Annie Pruthi
Annie Pruthi has completed her masters in Pol. Science from JMI, New Delhi and is a 1st division Arts graduate from Gargi College, DU. She is an avid reader and an award-winning author.

Defamation and Social Media: Protecting Your Reputation Online
16-Jul-2024 | Annie Pruthi
What is Defamation? In a world driven by social media and with new advances in technology everyday, it has become imperative for us to understand...

Promoting Ethical Corporate Governance
25-Jun-2024 | Annie Pruthi
Before we understand what is ethical Corporate Governance and why it is imperative, it is first important to understand the meaning of Corporate...

The Debate on EVM vs Ballot Paper
23-May-2024 | Annie Pruthi
In a recent hearing by the Supreme Court, the Court rejected the idea of going back to paper votes/ballot papers. In the opinion of Hon'ble Court, it...
Blog Collection
Judiciary Preparation
CLAT Preparation
Civil & Family Law
Criminal Justice System
Environmental and Sustainability Law
Data Privacy and Cybersecurity
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Legal Precedents
Acts and Bills
Bankruptcy and Restructuring
Corporate Governance
Constitutional Law and Public Policy
Contemporary Legal Developments
Law & Society