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Exploring Alternative Dispute Resolution in Local Governance

  21-May-2024 | Maitri Singh

“Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbours to compromise wherever you can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a looser...

Protecting Our Planet: Supreme Court’s Bold Move in Climate Battle

  16-May-2024 | Samiksha Kanaujia

Climate change is not just an environmental concern, but an imminent crisis that requires immediate action. In a recent judgement in the domain of...

Examining Custodial Death: Challenges and Calls for Accountability

  13-May-2024 | Akai Negi

Custodial death refers to a death that occurs while a person is in custody, directly or indirectly linked to activities during custody, such as in...

Need for More Gender-Neutral Laws

  10-May-2024 | Samiksha Kanaujia

The rule of law in the Indian Constitution establishes that laws apply equally to all citizens, meaning that everyone is equal before the law....

Verdicts & Views: Exploring Landmark Legal Cases

  02-May-2024 | Maitri Singh

‘Constitution is not a mere lawyers’ document… its spirit is always the spirit of Age’ -Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Many...

Judicial Doctrines: Cornerstones of Legal Interpretation

  29-Apr-2024 | Aarifa Nadeem

A doctrine is a concept or theory that is commonly applied and supported by courts of law. In Indian constitutional law, multiple judicial theories...

Understanding the Writs in the Constitution of India

  26-Apr-2024 | Shounak Roy

At the heart of Indian democracy, the Writs serve as potent instruments for upholding the rule of law and ensuring governmental accountability. From...

Corporate Evolution: Navigating Restructuring Strategies for Resilience and Growth

  23-Apr-2024 | Aarifa Nadeem

Corporate restructuring is a significant modification of a corporation's capital structure or activities. Corporate restructuring occurs when a...

Sports Law and Athlete Rights

  10-Apr-2024 | Akai Negi

The Constitution of India, under the Seventh Schedule, designates sports as a subject under the State List, granting states the authority to enact...

Legal Safeguards Against Domestic Violence in India: An Overview

  04-Apr-2024 | Maitri Singh

In a country where women are symbolized as ‘goddesses’, the reality for many women in India is far from the divine portrayal and in many...

Blog Collection

Civil & Family Law
Criminal Justice System
Environmental and Sustainability Law
Data Privacy and Cybersecurity
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Legal Precedents
Acts and Bills
Bankruptcy and Restructuring
Corporate Governance
Constitutional Law and Public Policy
Contemporary Legal Developments
Law & Society